Directions to Blackpool Showground
Please be aware that we do not give out the postcode as the post code for this showground will take you the scenic route and will take you twice as long as the route that is sign posted from the motorway
TRAVELLING BY ROAD FROM THE SOUTH:-Leave the M6 at Junction 32 (Broughton, Preston), the junction incorporates the M6 and M55 motorways and the A6 trunk road. Care should be taken to filter left following the 'A6 Garstang' lane indicators. On joining the A6 , follow the 'Garstang' signs for 3¾ miles to a large sign on the left hand side of the road naming 'Myerscough College', (The show is clearly sign posted from this point) turn left along St Michaels Road, continue along this road for approx 2 miles then turn into Pinfold Lane.
TRAVELLING BY ROAD FROM THE NORTH:- Leave the M6 at Junction 33 (Hampson Green). On joining the A6 travel south following 'Preston' signs for about 9 miles to a large sign on the left hand side of the road, naming 'Myerscough College', and turn right into St Michaels Road. continue along this road for approx 2 miles then turn into Pinfold Lane.
Take Junction 3 off the M55 and join the A585, towards Fleetwood. Continue for approximately 4 miles and then turn right on to the A586, Garstang Road to St Michael’s. After 4.5 miles turn right at the St Michael mini roundabout on to Hall Lane. After approx 2 miles turn right (at sharp left bend) on to Pinfold Lane and the Show Ground is sited 1 mile on the left.
There is ample car parking, please ensure you follow the instructions of the car park staff who will ensure you are parked swiftly & safely.
It is in your interest to allow yourself plenty of time for your journey. (particularly on Friday)
Please drive carefully
A special reserved parking area will be provided for vehicles displaying our Fast -Tracking Disabled label. to be fast-tracted into this area, you will need to apply for a Fast-Tracking Disabled Drivers label issued by the society, by ticking the relevent box on the entry form and enclosing a photocopy of both sides of your current Official Disabled Drivers Badge. Failure to comply with this request will result in you receiving a general car park pass.
As we operate a colour-coded system for our car parks, if you do not apply for a disabled colour-coded pass that will reserve you a place in our specially reserved Disabled Parking lot, you will be directed to the 5 disabled spaces on our general car park, when all these disabled spaces are full, we will try to get you as near as possible as we can. SO IT IS IN YOUR BEST INTEREST TO APPLY FOR A RESERVED DISABLED CAR PARK PASS
Disabled drivers entering on-line MUST send a copy of both sides of the Offical Disabled Badge along with a copy of their e-mail entry confirmation to Fosse Data Systems Ltd, 4 Mitchell Court, Castle Mound Way, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 0UY.